Although we’ve had to scale back our usual Hallowe’en celebrations due to COVID-19, at least at King’s we are still celebrating! It is a dress-down day tomorrow, and you may wear a costume or black and orange – or, of course, your uniform if you prefer. Fifth period there will be treats and games – Happy Hallowe’en!
Author: Jason Dinnick
First Day of School
Whether you are at home or in the building, King’s students all across Canada started their classes today. Here’s a look at the start of the day and some of our classrooms enjoying the new experience.
Physically distant – yet still together
Just because we are currently physically distancing at King’s doesn’t mean that we are socially distancing. This week during our virtual Classes at Home is Spirit Week! Earn points to support your House by wearing pink on Monday, green on Tuesday, blue on Wednesday, yellow on Thursday, and red on Friday. You’ll earn one point for each period that you are wearing that day’s colour. Fun and creative clothing encouraged! Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!
Week 32 – Spirit Week
Monday: Mrs. Robinson says April showers bring May Flowers Day! Today anything with a flowery, Hawaiian, palm trees, spring flowers kind of feel to it.
Tuesday: Mr. Hahn misses gym and Sports Day! Wear any sports team apparel. Hats will NOT be accepted as sports team apparel.
Wednesday: We’re halfway through the week, so it’s time for Mr. Mitchner’s “Don’t poke the Bear Day”! Please have a stuffed animal present for the day, it does not have to be a bear.
Thursday: Mrs. Lord Loves Plaid Day! Wear any kind of plaid print.
Friday: Mr. Eta, I mean Suspenders and Sweaters Day! What is that you ask? Suspenders and/or a sweater tied around your neck. Bonus points if you add funky socks.
Week 33 – Spirit Week
Monday: King’s Colours Day – Navy Blue or Grey
Tuesday: Mr. Dinnick’s Disguise Day – Wear a superhero or comic character shirt. Bonus points for dressing in full costume.
Wednesday: Speranzi’s Scarves Day – Wear any scarf.
Thursday: Ms. Bassaragh’s Tie-Dye Day – Since we all don’t have tie-dye shirts, just wear any TIE, and yes, your school tie counts. Bonus points if you also wear a tie-dye shirt
Friday: Mr. Dawson’s Hat Day – Wear any hat (baseball, cowboy, sombrero, visor, toque, etc)
King’s Virtual Baking Club
While physically distancing, our teachers are working hard to encourage all our students to maintain strong social connections. Here’s what one of our great teachers is doing: “Welcome to our baking class/club! The first recipe I will post is an easy scone recipe! Scones are a tasty pastry that I love to make for breakfast. 🙂
Please post your attempts (either successes or ‘complete nailed it’ failures)! You will find all recipes posted in the content library!” As you can see below, there were some great scones made throughout the King’s community last weekend – some strawberry, some blueberry. Feel the love!
King’s Baking Club continues
“The next recipe I will post is an easy cookie recipe! St. Louis is famous for something called a butter cake. When I am feeling nostalgic and have a lot of time, I make it. However, when I am feeling super lazy and homesick, I make these cookies which require way less effort and provide just as much ‘get-in-my-belly’ joy. These cookies have become a favorite for all our friends and they are requested at every party. Please post your attempts (either successes or complete nailed it failures)! You will find all recipes posted in the content library!” — Ms. Speranzi

Week 34 – Spirit Week
Only 9 school days left to go, and for the final 9 days, we are going to celebrate our 9, soon-to-be, graduates. Each day will be the favourite colour of one of our beloved graduates.
So for this week, wear –
Tuesday: Joshika’s Day – Black
Wednesday: Jayden’s Day – Purple
Thursday: Morgan’s Day – Pink
Friday: Yuvi’s Day – Yellow
Week 35 – Spirit Week
Graduate Day’s Continued
Monday: Sofiya’s Day – Orange
Tuesday: Dmytro’s Day – Green
Wednesday: Jasmine’s Day – Red
Thursday: Yashi’s Day – Blue
Friday: Connor’s Day – Turquoise
Classes at Home – Week 9
During Classes at Home, all the same class discussions still happen. Here’s the Grade 11 Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology class checking in with their teacher for their class discussion. It’s so much fun and so great to get together anyway we can!

Classes at Home – Week 8

Ms. Speranzi’s Grade 11 French class read and discussed ‘Le Petit Prince’ during Classes at Home and then were asked to each create their own movie poster. They had to decide which actors to cast in the major roles and what the tag line – in French, of course – should be for the movie that they would produce. The posters are so pretty and fun!
Classes at Home – Week 7
Here’s a sample of King’s Classes at Home, still having classes together despite physically distancing: such a joy to see the Grades 4 to 6 classes all dressed up to do their speeches!
Freedom 75 tulips
A Ray of Hope in this Pandemic: Today is Freedom 75 Day, commemorating the liberation of the Netherlands by our Canadian soldiers in 1944 and 1945 during the Second World War. Last fall, the Kingdom of the Netherlands kindly sent King’s College School 75 Liberation tulips – specially-bred, beautiful, bright orange tulips – to help our students learn about this important event in the history of our two countries. We planted those tulips last fall just as the snows were starting, and now, on May the 5th, the bulbs are just starting to bloom – a ray of hope indeed.
Despite the snow over the last few days, the Freedom 75 tulip bulbs are flourishing and flowering – such a lovely sign of renewal and hope.
Classes at Home – Week 6
Some great creative things are happening during Classes at Home! The Grade 9 Art Class was given an assignment to make an artistic music video in the style of Erwin Wurm – a contemporary Austrian artist who poses inanimate objects with human subjects to create ‘One Minute Sculptures’. The assignment was to find a song that spoke to each student, during the COVID-19 school disruption, and using the artist’s work as inspiration create a video to match it. We hope you enjoy one of our student’s original interpretation of this artist’s work!
Classes at Home – Week 5
The Grade 7 and 8 class had a month-long project in Science during Classes at Home to build a structure out of common things they could find at home. We are so impressed with this model of the Parthenon that one of our King’s kids has built – amazing what you can do with cardboard! Look what you can do with Bristol board, tape, and elastics – what a great model of Ontario Place done by another Grade 7 student!
Classes at Home – Week 4
During Classes at Home this week, Mrs. Robinson’s English classes were asked to write their own Tanka poem, a five-lined cousin of the Haiku. The Tanka’s syllables are counted as 5-7-5-7-7, and its theme is usually based on strong sensory images of all the five senses. For your moment of Zen today, here is a Tanka poem written by one of our Grade 4 students. It certainly makes bedtime a joyous experience!
By: Cassidy Bruce
Nice warm tea at night
Chamomile and lavender
Night light twinkling
Blankets wrapped all around me
Soothing sleepy soft music