Author: Leah Xuereb

Junior Joy Photography Project

The elementary students have been working hard on their JOY photography project & here are some examples! 📷 This project showed students the art technique of photography, while simultaneously expressing the things that bring them joy during these hard times 💙

Dress Down Day on Friday!

The students are engaged in their House Competitions to determine which House will win the House Cup this year. Each child in the school has been placed in one of the four King’s Houses: House Eta, House Mitchner, House Bradshaw or House Lord.
For House points this year, each student is being asked to wear their House colour this Friday.  The House will be awarded points based on the number of people in their House wearing their House colour. Each House is based on an element and the House colours are based on the element for the House. Please encourage your child to wear the House colour if he or she can on Friday, rather than the school uniform.

The colours are as follows:

House Eta Wind – White

House Mitchner Water – Blue

House Bradshaw Fire – Red

House Lord Earth – Green

Ramadan Kareem and Happy Baisakhi to members of our King’s Family!

Yesterday was the start of two significant times for different members of our Kings’ Family:
Happy Baisakhi to our Sikh and Punjabi students and their families as you celebrate the Punjab harvest festival and the start of the Sikh new year.
Peaceful Ramadan/Ramadan Kareem to our Muslim students and their families at the beginning of your month of fasting, praying, family time, and charity.
May everyone have a safe and joyous time as we all go through these difficult times together.

Physical School Closed for 2 Weeks!

Peel Public Health just announced that all schools in Peel, including private schools, are physically closed for at least the next two weeks.
Miss Xuereb will be at the school tomorrow morning from 7:45 AM to 9:30 AM in case your child needs to pick up any books or other items that were left at school over the long weekend. After that, we will be closed physically for at least the next two weeks, and all classes will be online!

Pink Shirt Day at King’s!

Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness around bullying, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem. All of us at King’s wore our pink shirts today to show our support! 💗

Congratulations, Chase and Scott!

Congratulations to two of our senior students, Chase & Scott, on getting accepted into the SHAD Canada program! Shad Canada is a STEAM and entrepreneurship program that accepts students with high aptitudes for risk taking, curiosity, excellence and resilience, and prepares them to take on social and economic challenges. We are so excited for you! 📊☑️

King’s Spirit Day!

Last Wednesday was SPIRIT DAY! 👏 Teachers organized different themed ZOOM rooms and students were able to jump to any room to participate!! Mr. Dawson drew a mural with the ideas and drawings of students, Ms. Khanna and Mme Moore demonstrated how to do yoga, and Ms. X showed us her horses in the animal room! What a fun afternoon! 🧘‍♀️🎨🐴

Congratulations, Emily!

Congratulations to one of our Grade 12 students, Emily! ✨ Emily has been accepted to Animal Biology at the University of Guelph with an entrance scholarship. This is the program that Emily wanted most, as it put her on the path to her dream job of becoming a vet. Way to go, Emily! 🐕🥼