A Different Approach that Encourages Being Active

The King’s College School athletic program takes a different approach from traditional athletic programs.
We believe in providing daily opportunities for students to engage in outdoor play and skill development in lifestyle sports, while also making academic schedule accommodations necessary for competitive student athletes to pursue both their academic and sporting needs.
A Daily, One-hour Sports Period
The daily school schedule is such that all students have a one hour Sports period that they use for outdoor play. Our Lifestyle Sports Program includes a wide assortment of activities including soccer, football, volleyball and tobogganing.
In addition, the Senior School (Grade 9 to 12) goes to the Haliburton Forest Reserve for a week each fall for leadership and team building, as well as canoeing, rock climbing and other outdoor recreational pursuits. The Junior School (up to Grade 8) participates in similar team building and leadership activities on the rolling King’s College School Campus.
Three Sports Levels
King’s College School has implemented three distinct levels for our Lifestyle Sports Program: recreational, developmental and competitive. All levels are optional and completely customizable to suit individual student’s athletic passions.
Recreational Sports
This is embodied in our daily Sports period. Each student in the school is given the opportunity to take part in one hour of physical activity per day, all of it outdoors. Students are encouraged to try all sports and games and are often given the opportunity to dictate which sports they would like to engage in during their one-hour period.

Developmental Sports
This level of our Lifestyle Sports Program is accomplished through strategic partnerships with local athletic providers. For the current school year, these partnerships include Skiing and Snowboarding Lessons/Ski Days at the Hockley Valley Resort, Golf Lessons/Rounds at Glen Eagle Golf Club, and Riding Lessons at Rusty Jade Ranch in Palgrave. We extend this list upon student request and program availability.
Competitive Athlete Program
We provide the academic and study skill support and guidance for competitive athletes. As the athletes train and work with their coaches to develop their skills in their chosen sport, so too does the school work with them to develop the leadership and academic skills needed to excel as much in the classroom as they do in their sport. We have had many elite athletes in the fields of riding, dance and hockey graduate from the school with honours.