Assisting You with the Cost of Private School Tuition
We encourage families in need to apply under the School’s Bursary Program. Our aim is to support you as you look to finance the gift of a King’s College School education for your child.
Who is eligible for bursaries?
We encourage all candidates from Grade 2 and above to consider applying for private school bursaries, once an offer of admission has been made. Assistance is available to eligible families of both new and returning students.
Families applying for a private school bursary must submit financial information to a third party for an impartial evaluation of their capacity to meet tuition fees. Families receiving a private school bursary must re-apply for a bursary on a yearly basis. Students eligible to return (grades 4-12) are subject to a yearly review of their candidacy through the Bursary Review Committee.
All private school bursary recipients must remain in good academic standing and contribute fully and positively to the life of the School through participation in activities appropriate to age and grade level. Failure to comply with school regulations may result in the removal of a student’s bursary for the following academic year. Amounts and eligibility are re-assessed yearly, based on family need as determined by Apple Financial Services.
Application and Review Process:
1. The private school bursary application form is separate from the application for admission. An offer of admission must be received before a bursary application is made.
2. Families wishing to apply for a private school bursary must complete and submit the Financial Aid for Canadian Students (FACS) application form available via the Apple Financial Services website. If you have any questions regarding the completion of the application, please contact Admissions at 647-526-7645 or at [email protected].
3. FACS makes recommendations to King’s College School based on the information provided by you in the Parents’ Financial Statement. This includes, but is not limited to, the parents’/guardians’ net income (after taxes and other deductions); assets and liabilities; and information about dependents and expenditures. The computation is based on a process of analysis developed by a standing committee of experienced financial aid officers. It measures what is possible, though not necessarily comfortable, for a family to contribute toward educational expenses. Schools assume that parents, to the extent that they are able, will bear the primary responsibility for financing their children’s education, sometimes at the expense of other discretionary expenditures.
FACS keeps the parent financial information confidential, communicating only their recommendation for estimated parental contribution to the school. While FACS provides the financial analysis, it is important to understand that the estimated parental contribution, determined in the report, is only a recommendation to King’s College School.
4. Our Bursary Review Committee makes all decisions about the actual amounts of assistance offered. Private school bursary applications are reviewed and evaluated independently from admission applications.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a private school bursary a loan that must be repaid?
No, this is a grant credited toward tuition fees and is not required to be repaid.
When are decisions made?
The Bursary Review Committee meets frequently to review FACS recommendations and to determine assistance allocation.
How are private school bursary monies funded?
In short: from our community. King’s College School relies on the generosity of its Alumni, current and past parents and friends of the School to fund capital improvements and bursaries.
Helpful Tips for Applicants
Be prepared
Review the FACS requirements and gather the information you need (including copies of tax returns, other documentation, and any previous applications) before completing the forms. Apple Financial Services provides an FAQ to help answer any preliminary questions.
Allow plenty of time
Private school bursary applications can seem overwhelming. Plan to spend more than one sitting to complete the forms. Don’t wait until the last minute to apply. Mistakes could adversely affect your application and are difficult to rectify.
Fill out the form completely
An incomplete private school bursary application form will cause a delay in receiving a decision. Meet all deadlines and even submit the application early if possible. Don’t forget to hit “submit” and receive acknowledgement of receipt.
Communicate with us
Don’t hesitate to contact the school with any questions. Communicate any special circumstances via e-mail. There may be family considerations that do not translate well in numbers.