At King’s College School, we believe that it is incumbent on each and every one of us to leave this world just a little bit better than it was when we entered this world. Each of us has different talents, abilities, and passions, and it is the responsibility of all of us at King’s College School to work with you to help your child become the absolute very best that he or she can be. As parents, we want two things for our children: that they be physically, psychologically and spiritually safe, and that they be deeply happy, successful and fulfilled in the present, the near future and the far future. It is our vocation at King’s College School to work with you to help your child achieve these two objectives.
Our learning method is called Empowered Learning because its purpose is to empower each and every child who graduates from King’s College School. Empowered Learning does, of course, cover in great depth all the curriculum requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Education, plus it includes an emphasis on the following:
- The academic basics now often ignored in some school settings, such as mental math, memorization of multiplication tables, grammar, spelling, vocabulary building, oral reading, etc.
- The advanced personal skills and self-knowledge needed to make a difference in this world, such as self-discipline, accountability, time management, project management, group and team leadership building, and a strong ability to self-reflect.
- The advanced communication skills needed to succeed at university, work, and beyond, such as essay writing, seminar leadership, presenting and public speaking, and the effective and persuasive use of advanced communication tools including power point and other digital media.
But most importantly, Empowered Learning teaches your children the skills, attributes and, most importantly, the ownership of learning which will allow your child to teach themselves anything they want to learn. This orientation to learning stands them in good stead now, in high school, in university, and into life beyond university.
At King’s College School we have a unique methodology and philosophy which will result in your child becoming extremely self-reflective, extremely self-confident, and extremely comfortable in his or her own skin. When your child truly knows who he or she is, he or she will be deeply happy, highly successful, and highly fulfilled, not just in school, not just in university, but also in life beyond university – and that is what King’s College School is all about!
The motto of Empowered Learning, and of King’s College School, is “Be Magnificent”.